
Trunnion Mounted ball valves performance advantages

1, Trunnion Mounted ball valves effortless operation: the upper and lower ball bearings to reduce friction, eliminates the inlet pressure push the ball with the sealing seat and a huge load caused the seal excessive torque.

2, Trunnion ball valves reliable sealing: PTFE gasket material embedded in the single stainless steel seat, the end of a spring metal seat seals ensure adequate preload, the valve sealing surface in the course of wear, under the action of the spring valve continue to ensure good sealing performance.

3, structural fire protection: In order to prevent the emergence of sudden heat or fire, burned polytetrafluoroethylene seals, there is a greater leakage, and contribute to the fire, the fire is set between ball and valve seat seal ring, when burned in the ring, under spring force, the valve seat ring seal on the ball quickly to form a metal to metal seal, play a certain degree of sealing effect. Fire Test accord APl6FA and APl607 standards.

4, automatic pressure relief function: When the medium pressure in the valve chamber stagnation abnormally elevated than the spring pre] force, the seat back from the sphere to achieve the effect of automatic pressure relief after relief seat automatically reset.

5, the discharge line: the upper and lower body are set to vent, you can check whether the seat leakage occurs at work, the valve is fully open or fully closed, relieved pressure in the chamber can be directly replace the packing; cavity can be discharged retentate, reduce pollution of the media valve.

